Monday, May 10, 2010

Where did Sunday go?

I swear something, like, ate it.

Naaah just somehow I ended up sleeping. When I woke up, it was dark, which made me not feel like getting up, so it just continued on like that until around... 5 am. I actually felt surprisingly refreshed around then. Usually sleeping for ages only makes you feel worse. Go figure.

Right, that deck. Still trying to iron out a few consistency issues with it, but more often than not it'll make an sizable to impregnable field on turn 1.

My field: Doom Dragon, Stardust, Archfiend, Necromancer, Barrier, Barrier, Break
Top of my deck: Archfiend

wat do

Aside from that, I'll probably be throwing Frogs together and dabble around in the new X-Sabers and Rock Stun. Maaaybe Koa'ki Meiru, I dunno.

I should hop on that Infernity video series...

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