Thursday, May 6, 2010

Into the Infernal Infinity

Allow me to take this opportunity to plug my Infernity guide again. I just spent a couple hours updating it with the correct TCG card texts as well as rulings I felt were relevant enough to bring to attention.

My primary goal in Yu-gi-oh! is to educate players in how the game works. This serves a lot of purposes, but it's mainly to avoid chaos and make sure people enjoy themselves. An informed player can make informed decisions and will be a lot less frustrated in the end, after all.

The "While you have no cards in your hand" brand of Infernity cards will resolve without effect if the player ends up with any cards in their hand ("Infernity Necromancer" is exempt from this since its Ignition effect does not have this restriction even though the Continuous effect that turns it on does).

The other variations of Infernity cards ("When," "If," "Activate under X condition") will resolve properly even if the player ends up with cards in their hand, with the exception of "Infernity Archfiend," who functions like those that use the "While you have no cards in your hand" clause. Blame that one on bad wording or a lack of foresight.

Also, the rulings for The Shining Darkness are up on the official website now, so go check those out if you have any doubts with respect to cards from the set.

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