Saturday, May 15, 2010

How 'bout dat coverage...

It's rather... lacking. And loaded with Infernity hate.

I'm all for supporting other decks and good side-decking, but it feels like there isn't enough on the pro-Infernity side of the coin. At least explore some of the various options people are trying out in the deck that's supposed to be the deck to beat! :S

Anyway, it's not all bad. We're seeing a good show by X-Sabers, much to my expectations.

What's shocking is the utter lack of Quickdraw and Blackwings on the top tables. I've got no clue what happened with the former, but the latter I somewhat understand. Blackwings may be consistent, but they just don't have that... oomph recently. They run out of steam. Any deck that can slow down the game without losing cards, or just decks that constantly gain cards will give them trouble, with or without "Black Whirlwind" in the equation.

Not many other surprises, though, but I guess that's to be expected since the format has largely settled down.

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