Friday, April 9, 2010

Makeshift Lanyard Get!

Ahaha! It is complete! Take one part old shoe lace, one part paperclip, one part top loader, one part sleeve, one part child's trading card, and one part "ASDF HOW DO I PUNCHED NEAT HOLE IN TOP LOADER?"

The end result is what I'll be wearing to most Yu-gi-oh! events in the future, I imagine, so people who care can easily identify me. I can hear their voices now...

That fat ass is a total joke.

Shut up, troll.

Gale the Whirlwind is fake and gay.

Two camels i-

Okay, I'll stop. Gawd.


Anyway, today the second Infernity article went up on the Konami strategy site, and with that some confirmation on TCG names and rarities.

"Infernity Revenger" is now named "Infernity Avenger" for obvious anti-Engrish reasons. He's also toting around what appear to be water guns or really funky looking lasers. It's hard to tell, but something like that was bound to happen due to US law.

"Infernity Gun" shall henceforth be called "Infernity Launcher" for similar reasons. The word choice here is great.

"Infernity Death Dragon" met expectations by being renamed "Infernity Doom Dragon." It's still an Ultra Rare like it was in the OCG.

"Infernity Avenger," "Infernity Beetle," and "Infernity Inferno" are all Rares. Beetle's rarity buff is old news and deserved.

"Infernity Launcher" and "Infernity Mirage" appear to be either Common or Super Rare; the mock-up doesn't differentiate between the two rarities very well. Obviously, the fact that neither are Ultra Rare is a big shock, especially to fans of the deck.

It appears the deck's overall price is going to end up around that of Blackwings. Delicious.

Expect a report on tomorrow's regional within the next couple of days, probably in video form.

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