Friday, March 12, 2010


Jumping on the blogging bandwagon, it's Elliot Gale! That's eGale for short, if you like. Oh yes, this alias isn't actually very far off from my real name. To tell you the truth, it was born as a result of stylization due to a lack of naming space in Megaman Star Force some years ago. It just... stuck, somehow.

I'm a quiet guy in person, and my spectrum of interests isn't very wide, but once you get me started on a topic with which I'm familiar, I can be hard to shut up. Maybe. I dunno.

Anyhow, in case you can't tell from the blog title, I'm pretty big on Yu-Gi-Oh!. I started playing back during the game's premier in the States, but being an ignorant kid with little money or ability to travel, I was never very competitive, and eventually I sorta just stopped playing for awhile.

In 2008, I was roped back in by 5D's. Damn Konami's brilliant marketing. This time was different, though. This time I started learning, and I learned fast. Learning how to properly play, learning what was hot on the tournament front, learning whatever I could to make the experience all the more enjoyable. As with anything to which I take a shine, I'm pretty meticulous about YGO. This comes with its ups and downs; I make for an awesome judge, but a horrendously slow deck builder. Oh well.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure as to what the primary function of this blog will be. If I had to hazard a guess, it'd be the random YGO-related material that I can't be bothered to put up on my YouTube channel. Hopefully you get something out of it.


  1. is your real name eliott gaylord cuz it says that on your about me page...

  2. Yes. The family name English in origin, obviously.

    For the given name, that's 2 L's and 1 T. =P
