Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 2010 Pegasus League Format

New format: "DOUBLE DECK"
* Your Main Deck must contain exactly 100 cards.
* Your Extra Deck can contain up to 30 cards.
* You draw twice during your Draw Phase. (Draw 1 card, then draw 1 card again after that.)
* This Pegasus League uses the Advanced Format rules.

Trying to come up with a deck for it is driving me up a wall. Any semblance of consistency seems hopeless... not to mention the cost of constructing a deck for it must be astronomical.

Some things I figure:

- Back rows should be a little stronger. The power options to oppose them are still at their usual numbers, but they're harder to draw into now. "Trap Stun" is probably very viable.

- Cards that pull specific other cards out of the deck are more powerful than ever. I'm looking at you, Super Special Awesome Hamster.

- Strategies that depend on a specific card are significantly weaker.

- Hand control is not as reliable due to options getting replenished twice as quickly. "Trap Dustshoot", "Mind Crush", and so forth should still be good, but the X-Saber thought process of "kill off all their cards, win YGO" need not apply.

- 1 for 1 removal will be all over the place.

- Cards that are awful when drawn in multiples are more viable, as you are less likely to draw into multiples.

- Conversely, cards that have to be drawn in multiples to be effective are garbage.

- 3 copies of "Magical Merchant" seems like a must in anything.

- Cards with a discard cost are more manageable.

- You may never see that 1 "Tragoedia", but you're going to run it. No exceptions.

- "Secret Barrel", and perhaps burn in general, are looking pretty boss.

- The "discard down to 6" mechanic will be much more pivotal to success here.

Aaaand it's late. I can't think of much more.

But Hero format?

1 "Elemental Hero Stratos"
1 "Reinforcement of the Army"
3 "E - Emergency Call"
2 "Gold Sarcophagus"
3 "King of the Swamp"
3 "Debris Dragon"
3 "Polymerization"
3 "Miracle Fusion"
1 "Future Fusion"
3 "Elemental Hero Ocean"
3 "Elemental Hero Woodsman"
3 "Elemental Hero Wildheart"

...I dunno, maybe something along those lines.