Okay, that's doubtful, but I really do like a large number of the new pogeys. These are my favorites of the bunch:
#530, Drills (Doryuuzu)
#553, Warubiaru
#563, Deathcon (Desukaan)
#567, Archaeos (Aakeosu)
#579, Rankles (Rankurusu)
#596, Dentula (Denchura)
#628, Wargle (Wooguru)
#637, Urgamoth (Urugamosu)
#647, Celdio (Kerudio)
#553, Warubiaru
#563, Deathcon (Desukaan)
#567, Archaeos (Aakeosu)
#579, Rankles (Rankurusu)
#596, Dentula (Denchura)
#628, Wargle (Wooguru)
#637, Urgamoth (Urugamosu)
#647, Celdio (Kerudio)
Names are obviously subject to change upon US release.
I'm just so psyched about all the variety here... at least half of the new Pokémon are going to be OU capable out of the gates, and that's just fantastic. Most of the old favorites are getting ability updates via the Dream World so they can keep up, so they won't all be forced out of the picture as well. It's the dawning of a new age of... balance?
Well, maybe not with how incredibly OP things are looking, but it'll be fun for awhile.
I'm just so psyched about all the variety here... at least half of the new Pokémon are going to be OU capable out of the gates, and that's just fantastic. Most of the old favorites are getting ability updates via the Dream World so they can keep up, so they won't all be forced out of the picture as well. It's the dawning of a new age of... balance?
Well, maybe not with how incredibly OP things are looking, but it'll be fun for awhile.