Monday, February 21, 2011

Pull the Trigger

Holy balls, there's news capable of bringing eGale out of hiding!

What this is saying: As of March 19th, alongside the release of the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Starter Deck, there will be a slight change in the way Ignition effects work that will be applied to the OCG (there has been no such announcement for the TCG) from that date onward.

If you've been playing for awhile, you've probably become accustomed to using your Ignition effects immediately in response to your own summons, and this is what's changing; you will no longer be able to use them until after the summon response window has closed. The turn player's priority will not extend to the use of Ignition effects during the summon response window.

This makes cards such as Chaos Sorcerer, Card Trooper, Dark Grepher, Brionac, Scrap Dragon, and so forth a touch weaker in that you cannot activate their effects prior to Torrential Tribute and friends taking them off the table. Cards like Bottomless Trap Hole and Book of Moon become significantly more powerful.

Really sucks to be Plant and Infernity decks right about now, but most others don't care too much. Caius is still the bee's knees.


  1. I'm not overly bothered by this change. Archfiend is still as effective as it was previously, as is Armageddon Knight.

    IDD suffers a mild blow. Mirage has been heavily weakened, but as I've said yo you before, that's what Barrier's primary function is.

  2. im a bit concerned..
    i dont appreciate when konami has those "everything you know is now wrong because i say so" momments.
    it took me a long time to get used to syncs...gamechangers are gamechangers
